Pricing plans for everyone

Until we launch our paid plans, all features are currently free. We are committed to providing transparent pricing that aligns with the needs of healthcare organizations. Stay tuned for updates on our pricing plans and how we can support your organization.

Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

What does MAU stand for in your pricing?
MAU stands for Monthly Active User, which refers to a unique user who has engaged with our platform within a calendar month. This metric helps us tailor our services and pricing to the actual usage and needs of your organization.
How do you define a 'filled shift' for staffing agencies?
A filled shift refers to any shift that is successfully staffed through our platform, where a healthcare professional is matched and confirmed to work at a healthcare facility or for a healthcare provider.
Is there a minimum commitment for any of the pricing plans?
No, we do not require a minimum commitment. Our plans are designed to provide maximum flexibility, allowing you to scale up or down based on your needs without any long-term contracts.
Can healthcare professionals access all features of the platform for free?
Yes, healthcare professionals can access all current features of the platform for free, including job matching, scheduling, and compliance verification, to support their career growth in the healthcare industry.
Do you offer discounts for non-profits or educational institutions within the healthcare sector?
We are committed to supporting the healthcare community broadly, including non-profits and educational institutions. Please contact us directly to discuss potential discounts and how we can best serve your organization.
What happens if we exceed our expected number of MAUs?
Our platform is designed to flexibly accommodate fluctuations in your staffing needs. If you consistently exceed your expected number of MAUs, we recommend contacting us to discuss adjusting your plan to better suit your usage and optimize your costs.

Stay ahead of compliance

Navigate healthcare regulations confidently with our platform, ensuring your staffing remains compliant through real-time updates and comprehensive compliance tracking.