Unlock your team's potential

Maximize efficiency and enhance patient care with the preferred tool for healthcare scheduling and management.


Effortlessly create and manage schedules with powerful tools designed to handle every scenario. From automated schedule generation to seamless shift swaps and call outs, streamline your scheduling process with ease.

  • Create Schedules Effortlessly

    Design comprehensive schedules with ease and precision.

  • Manage Call Outs Instantly

    Handle unexpected absences with seamless call out management.

  • Facilitate Easy Shift Swaps

    Empower staff to swap shifts effortlessly while maintaining coverage.

  • Offer Shifts Efficiently

    Quickly fill open shifts by offering them to qualified staff.

  • Use Customizable Templates

    Save time by creating schedules with reusable templates.

  • Automate Schedule Creation

    Automatically generate schedules based on staffing needs and availability.

Internal Staffing

Ensure optimal staffing levels and stay alert to any changes with real-time notifications. Easily handle coverage requests to maintain a balanced and efficient workforce.

  • Monitor Staffing Levels

    Ensure optimal staffing levels for every shift.

  • Stay Alert to Changes

    Receive real-time alerts for any staffing changes or issues.

  • Handle Coverage Requests

    Easily manage and fulfill coverage requests to maintain staffing.

Manage Staff

Effectively manage your staff’s FTE status, pay rates, and availability. Streamline communication with direct and group messaging, and efficiently handle all staff requests.

  • Track Full-Time Equivalents

    Monitor and manage FTE status efficiently.

  • Manage Pay Rates

    Keep track of and adjust staff pay rates seamlessly.

  • Update Staff Availability

    Easily manage and update staff availability.

  • Handle Staff Requests

    Streamline the process of managing staff requests.

  • Send Direct Messages

    Communicate directly with individual staff members.

  • Group Communication

    Send messages to groups for efficient team communication.


Enhance your team’s productivity with keyboard shortcuts and a versatile command palette. Integrate seamlessly with existing tools to create a unified and efficient workflow.

  • Boost Efficiency with Shortcuts

    Navigate and execute tasks quickly with keyboard shortcuts.

  • Use the Command Palette

    Access commands and features swiftly through the command palette.

  • Seamless Integrations

    Integrate with existing tools for a unified workflow.


Leverage AI-driven insights to make smarter staffing decisions and forecast trends. Our AI CNO provides predictive analytics to ensure optimal staffing and improve patient care outcomes.

  • Leverage AI CNO

    Utilize our AI-driven Chief Nursing Officer for smarter staffing decisions.

  • Gain Predictive Insights

    Forecast staffing needs and trends with AI-driven insights.

  • Identify Key Trends

    Analyze trends to make informed staffing decisions.